• High-Level Conference at the EU Parlament

  • Middle: Prof. Marion Ackermann (General Director of the Dresden State Art Collections)

  • High-Level Conference at the EU Parlament

  • Antonio Tajani (EU-Parlamentspräsident), Clemens Pflanz (MEISTERKREIS)

  • High-Level Conference at the EU Parlament

June 26, 2018: Brussels. By invitation of EU Parliament president Antonio Tajani, MEISTERKREIS participated in a high-level conference at the European Parliament on the topic “Cultural Heritage in Europe”. The year 2018 is dedicated to the care, protection and restoration of cultural heritage in the European Union. No democracy, no progress, no society can function without its soul, without its craft. Professor Marion Ackermann, General Director of the Dresden State Art Collections, spoke on this occasion about the work being done by MEISTERKREIS as well, the close connection to economy, culture and science, and gave concrete examples of the impact of these mutual interactions.